Naming a design layer
To make it easier to find a design layer, you can give the layer a label. This label is shown in the layer overview.
Place background image
By dragging an image into the frame, you place an image in the design layer. You can also click on the 'upload' text to manually search for an image on the computer.
The images must be in PNG, GiF or JPG format and no larger than 3Mb.
Size and display of the background image
By default, the background image is centered and shown in its original size. If you choose justify in browser , the image adapts to the size of the browser so that the image is always fully visible.
Position of the background image
You can place a background image in the design layers, the template and the background. It is possible to position the image you upload.
The image is placed at the top of the browser.
The image is placed at the bottom of the browser.
The image is placed at the top and is fixed. This means that the image does not slide along with the website. The image always remains in view.
Background colour
The background color gives a solid color to the entire design layer. The background color is behind the background image. With transparency in the image (GIF / PNG only) the background color becomes visible again.
Repeating the background image
If you want the image to repeat over the entire layer (for example with a pattern), you can do that with the repeat option.
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