When you have made all the necessary preparations ( set sender and groups created ), it is important that you get e-mail addresses in the app, where you can send your newsletters. If you have just started with the newsletter app, you probably don't have any e-mail addresses in your 'database' yet. Visitors to your website now have the option to sign up for your newsletter via a sign-up screen (you can ask your designer to make a button that refers to the sign-up screen). Visitors can enter their details here and this is automatically processed in the address database of your newsletter.
Manage addresses
If you want to manage the e-mail addresses in the newsletter app, you can go from the main menu to 'settings' under 'Newsletters'. In this screen you can click on 'Addresses'. Here you manage all e-mail addresses and you have the option to change or delete a registration. You can easily find an email address by using the search system. When you then click on the edit icon, you will receive all the information that has been entered from this contact person. You can then, for example, change the e-mail address or add additional information such as a telephone number or an address.
Import of addresses
We offer you the possibility to import a file with e-mail addresses once. If you would like to make use of this, please contact us by e-mail ( support@ziber.nl ) or telephone ( 0224-290996 ).
Export email addresses
As an extra functionality, you can export all email addresses processed from your database. In this way you can also process the e-mail addresses and other personal data left by your visitors in an Excel file, for example.
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