When we talk about working with links, we can actually distinguish 2 types of links; links from other websites (to your website) and links within your own site.
When Google indexes a website, it 'crawls' the entire site by following the various links. These links - and in particular the name of the link itself - are therefore also important with regard to the findability of that page. The place from which the link that points to your website comes from is also important. Google uses a so-called 'Pagerank' for every URL, which is actually a kind of value judgment from Google. It actually indicates how important the page is. Pages with a higher pagerank are more important (value ranges from 0 to 10, with 10 being the most important). Do you have links to your website from a website/page with a high page rank? Then this has a high value for Google. In this way you show with your website that you are important enough to have a link on such an important site. You can view the pagerank value of a page yourself using the Google toolbar.
The links that are completely under your control are the links within your own website. When creating these links, it is important which text you have linked. You often see links such as 'click here' or 'read more'. These are less descriptive links than, for example, 'view our design trash cans here'. So always try to create a 'descriptive' link in the links, taking into account the search terms that are important to you. Avoid links that are too general - such as 'read more', etc. Good for findability and also easier for a visitor to know what the 'link' does.
Increase the findability of your Ziber website by creating links on your pages. Watch the video explanation for more information.
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