It sounds a bit crazy, but making the photos on your Ziber website discoverable can yield a lot of results! When people search for keywords in Google, they often see photos with the results. As a searcher, it is also possible to indicate specifically at Google that you only want to search in 'Images' (Google images). Are your photos also among the results?
By giving photos a good description, or alt text, and a clear file name, photos from your website will be found faster and better. This also allows people to find your website based on your photos. In addition, it has the additional advantage that it also contributes to the complete picture of your 'relevance'. By also providing the photos with an alt text in which you mention the search terms that are important to you, you make the complete story for Google even more interesting and therefore more relevant.
It is also very important that you place the images, with the correct (descriptive) alt text, 'close to' the relevant textual content.
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