Search vacancy
You can quickly search the list of vacancies at the top of the screen for 'current vacancy', but you can also search for 'expired vacancies' (which have passed their expiry date) here. In addition, you can also enter a keyword and click on 'Search' to quickly find your vacancy.
Vacancy (in)visible
In the list of vacancies you have a number of options per vacancy. Among other things, you can click on an 'eye' so that the vacancy will no longer be shown. This way you can temporarily remove a vacancy without really deleting it from Ziber Team.
Online responses to vacancy
When you have applied for a vacancy online, you will see a blue text cloud behind the vacancy (which is otherwise light gray). When you click on the relevant text cloud, all online reactions appear on the screen. This is a handy archive of online responses per vacancy.
Vacancy statistics
Would you like to know how often a vacancy has come up? How many times has it been clicked? How many times has the email been forwarded? Which can. And when you have posted the vacancy to multiple websites via Ziber Connect, you can view it per website. Measuring is knowing! To view the vacancy statistics, click on the 'stats' icon.
Change vacancy
Click on the blue edit icon to edit the relevant vacancy.
Delete vacancy
If you want to permanently delete a vacancy, click on the stop sign. You will be asked for confirmation and the vacancy will be permanently removed.
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