If you also want to deliver abroad for your webshop, that is possible. You can use 'zones' in shipping methods to set which countries you want to serve.
Rules apply, of course, to the calculation of VAT to foreign customers. We use the official rules of the tax authorities in our technology. For example, with an order from abroad, the correct VAT is automatically calculated (or diverted). Read here all about the rules for applying VAT on orders from other countries:
Here you will find a handy calculation tool for calculating VAT on an order from abroad:
Please note that a entered VAT number with an account of your customer must be valid to use the official rules!
For example, BE0999.999.999 is NOT VALID
BE0999999999 yes
If your customer enters an invalid VAT number, the correct rules cannot be applied. The VAT is then simply calculated as if the customer were a private individual.
Check if VAT number is valid
You can check whether a VAT number is valid on this website of the European government
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