If you have quite mastered adding texts to the pages of your site, you can choose to lay out the pages in a slightly different way. You can do this by dividing the page into different columns or rows. This gives you more freedom and you can determine the layout of your pages yourself.
Customize layout
To adjust the page layout, you change the page of which you want to adjust the layout from the page manager. From that page you can click on the small gray pen icon on the right (bottom right next to the text box). When you click on this, you can choose from a number of page layouts. Select the layout you want to use for this page and the page will immediately be divided into multiple columns (or cells).
The currently available page layouts:
Now when you click on the different 'cells' of your page, you can manage/fill/etc the contents of that specific cell. The column you are working in is always grayed out (on the right of the screen). By clicking on the column in which you want to work, you switch columns and you can adjust the content there.
Adjust formats
It is also possible to adjust the formats of the different columns. For example, you can divide the page into 2 columns, with columns 1 and 2 spread across the width. The sizes for these columns can then be adjusted, so that, for example, column 1 gets 60% width and column 2 automatically gets 40%. You can do this by clicking on 'Adjust formats' above the layout frame in the page. You will then immediately see the distribution of the page, which is then still at the standard sizes (50% - 50% in the example just mentioned). You can now drag the line between these two columns to the left or right to determine the size of that column.
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