Do you want to show your company details in a specific place in your page or footer? Then you have a handy function for that. When you change your company data (in Ziber Team), it is automatically changed everywhere on your website. So easy.
Post company details
To place the company information in your pages, first go to the page where you want to display the company information. Place the cursor where you want them and then choose the 'Insert content' icon (the leaf with the arrow) on the right side. There, select 'Company data'.
The following 'taggie' will then appear in the page:
The company data as you manage it with your 'Company data' will then be shown on the page as a summary. You can manage which company data is displayed there. You can do this in the 'My Ziberproduct' section. There, choose 'Show company data' and you can turn the eye on or off for all data.
Optionally you can change the 1 in this taggie with a 2 . Then only company name, address, zip code, city and e-mail address are shown.
So it looks like this:
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