When you have received an e-mail from Ziber to become an administrator of a certain website, you can accept this invitation in this way.
Receive invitation by email
If an administrator of a website has invited you to manage that website, you will receive an email from Ziber with a short explanation and the request to accept this invitation. If the email does not apply to you, you can ignore it.
There can be two situations, namely that you do not yet have a Ziber ID (an account) or that you already have a Ziber ID.
Do you already have a Ziber ID?
Then log in with your Ziber ID on Ziber Team gnap.ziber.eu You will then be in the main menu of Ziber Team, Ziber's CMS.
Don't have a Ziber ID yet?
Then click on the link in the email and follow the instructions on the screen to create a Ziber ID. When you have completed all the steps, your account will exist and you will be in the main menu of Ziber Team.
Accept invitation
When you are logged in to Ziber Team with your new or existing Ziber ID, you will see a notification at the top right of the screen that you have an open invitation. Click on that.
You will then be taken to a screen where you will see all the invitations listed below each other.
If you want to accept the invitation, click on 'Accept', if you do not want to accept the invitation, click on the red cross.
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