Facebook ( http://www.facebook.com/zibersoftware ) is the largest social network in the world. For example, in the Netherlands there were 1,700,000 people active on Facebook in 2009 and more than 8,000,000 in 2013. For years, Google.com was the most visited website on the web. In the year 2010, Facebook.com has taken over this number 1 position and Google has left it behind. More and more people are spending more and more time on Facbeook (and other social networks) at the expense of a search engine like Google. In short, how does your company deal with this? Facebook is a closed network and you decide each time whether people can follow you or not. You can configure Facebook extensively so that your photos and information, for example, can only be seen by friends, or even friends of friends. In this network, the user has much more control. Facebook is experiencing major developments and so there is more and more room for business information and advertising opportunities.
Do you want your website visitors to be able to easily share a webpage with their Facebook friends?
The so-called 'Like This' or 'Like This' button of Facebook ensures that any page in your Ziber website can be quickly and easily marked as 'Like' by a visitor (who is a member of Facebook). Friends and acquaintances of this visitor in his social network can also see this. When you log in to Ziber Team, you can click on 'settings' under 'your website' from the Main Menu. Then click on 'social media' and check the option 'Show Facebook Like'.
Can't find this feature in Ziber Team? Perhaps your website does not have a Sidebar. Inquire at support@ziber.nl
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