When the computer on which your SenseView software is running is connected with an HDMI cable or if a RCA plug is connected, you can use a sound signal. For example, the sound of a Video being played will also be heard on the television screen. In addition, you can set up a sound stream that makes it possible to have continuous background noise with your SenseView.
The short video tutorial explains how to set up a sound stream for your SenseView.
Do you want to know the internet addresses of streams of the most important radio stations in the Netherlands? Then you can find it here: https://mediamagazine.nl/live-links-nederland/livestreams-nederland-landelijk and if you need help with that, you can of course reach us!
Please note that you will have to transfer rights to Buma-Stemra in a public space, see also: https://www.bumastemra.nl
tags: sound stream, radio, senseview, waiting room
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