All apps from Ziber websites are equipped with 'Headings'. For example, when you enter a news item into Ziber Team, the title of the news item will appear large on the website and will be marked as 'web page subject' by Google. In the code of the site it looks like this:
<h1>Dit is de heading 1</h1>
When setting up a page on your website, you have more freedom and you can designate pieces of text (headings) as a heading 1 (title/subject), heading 2 or heading 3 (sub-subjects). This way Google knows better what the subject of the page is, and which sub-topics are covered. Watch the video explanation for how it works. Follow this link for more information on how to change Pages and how to mark the text as heading (1, 2 or 3).
When you start using headings on a page, you will also see the different headings shown in different sizes and colors. Your Ziber designer can set color, size and spacing for you!
NOTE: Always use a heading 1 as a heading at the top of the page.
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