Are you going to optimize the website yourself or will you hire an SEO/ZMO specialist? This is a decision you will have to make yourself. With the SEO Start extension of Ziber ( ) you can easily take steps yourself to make your website easier to find.
Google keyword research
As an extension of SEO Start, you can let us do a Google Keyword Research. In principle you can of course do everything yourself. But at some point it will cost you a lot of time and energy to make your website optimally findable. And as an entrepreneur you naturally want to be involved with your customer and your product or service! It then becomes more interesting at a certain point to hire a specialist for whom it is daily work and who also has special tools for this.
With a keyword research you will receive advice on which keywords/keywords are interesting for your website. In short, a valuable research to get to work in a more targeted way!
See also for more information.
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