When you use a TAGpage on your website, you can show all kinds of information on the basis of a TAG in a 'Pinterest-like' way. Messages (news), Activities (calendar) and photo albums are then displayed in a large list based on a tag.
For example, if you have a page with the tag 'france', all posts, activities and photo albums to which you add the tag 'france' will automatically appear on this collection page. That is of course very nice.
Page based on tag
But suppose you always want to show some 'fixed' information about France at the top of the tag page? Well you can! Then follow the next steps,.. and you're done:
- Log in to Ziber Team ( http://gnap.ziber.nl )
- Go to Pages
- Find (or create) the page you want to show above a tag page
- Enter the name of the tag in the list near the page
- Call up the tag page and see the result! (see also: https://support.ziber.nl/hc/nl/articles/115003438389 )
Also check out our live sprinter, when the feature works introduced!
Here's an example and how you can apply it!
tags: tag page, intro page
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