When you are responsible for a group of children, you will be given a role in Ziber Team. In education, this role is called "Teacher", in daycare, this role is called "Pedagogical employee" and in other cases it can be a "trainer" or "group leader". You can set your role yourself in your profile.
Set role
To set your role, go to ' profile' in Ziber Team. Under your profile you can choose your 'groups and roles'. Here you will see the organizations you are connected to, the role you fulfill there and the groups you are connected to.
You can change your role within an organization yourself. Go to the organization in question and use the dropdown menu to change your role. You can choose from: Teacher, Pedagogical employee, Trainer, Group leader, Team member, Subject teacher, Teaching assistant, Gym teacher, Janitor, Intern or ICT employee. When parents see your profile in the Kwieb app, they will see this role next to your name.
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