Op deze pagina vind je een overzicht van de Wordpress Plugins en hun versie ontwikkeling. Onderaan deze pagina vind je de laatste Wordpress plugin die is gebaseerd op de Ziber API.
zbr-api-0.7.3.zip (laatste versie)
- We now import the team members roles into the _roles metafield
- This metafield contains a single comma separated string with 0 or more roles
- The available roles are:
- Teacher
- Administration
- TeamMember
- Management
- Coordinator
- Updated the openapi-generator-cli generator-cli version to 7.3.0
- Updated guzzlehttp/guzzle to 6.5
- Now modifying the post_modified field correctly
- Added rate-limiting handling
- Old posts now get properly deleted
- For modified news articles, we now re-import media
- New posttype: zbr_zone_team_member
- This posttype is used to store team members of a zone, it is referenced to the zbr_zone posttype with the meta field: _zbr_zone_id
- Fixed a bug where the media library would not show images when the plugin was installed
- Whenever a zbr_news is imported with one or more Youtube URLs attached, the Youtube Video ID's are stored in the meta field: _zbr_youtube_ids
- zbr_news embedded links where not working correctly
- Only handle media on new posts
- New posttype: zbr_zone
- zbr_news and zbr_agenda are referencing zbr_zone with meta field: _zbr_zone_id
- The plugin now uses prs/log for logging, in conjuction with monolog/monolog and the ErrorLogHandler
- The meta fields for our custom post types are now exposed in the REST api
- The plugin should run the import every hour via WP Cron
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