When you try to add your child to your account in Kwieb, it may not work. There could be a number of reasons for this which will be discussed in this article.
My code is not working
If the unique code to add your child to your account doesn't work, you could go back to the email containing the code to register and copy/copy it again. Then you can try again and it might work.
Note: The code you receive in the invitation from school is valid for 14 days (after it has been sent). See also this article: Code has expired
Is it still not working? Then ask your question via support@ziber.nl
The date of birth is not accepted
Are you using the correct date of birth?
If you want to add several children to your account, it is important that you enter the correct date of birth with the code. The e-mail or letter you received from school contains the name of your child whose date of birth you must fill in.
The date entry depends on your system
When you enter the date on a phone (iphone, android,.. etc) you get a date picker to choose the date. But if you enter the date via a browser on a tablet or computer, you get an input field. Depending on your language settings, the input may be different. If the language settings of your system are not set to Dutch, the input may also be different. You could then try entering by date of birth in these ways:
- dd-mm-yyyy
- mm-dd-yyyy
- yyyy-mm-dd
So if your child was born on June 14, 2011 , you could try this date entry;
- 14-06-2011
- 06-14-2011
- 2011-06-14
Is it still not working? Then ask your question via support@ziber.nl
There are already 4 parent / guardians connected to the child
A maximum of 4 accounts can be linked to 1 child. This could be a reason that registration is not successful.
Is it still not working? Then ask your question via support@ziber.nl
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