From the main menu in the 'shop orders' you can consult all orders from your webshop and view them at any time. You can also see whether the order has been paid (if online payment has been chosen). You can also go directly from the shop orders to the customer data and change it if necessary.
Order numbering
The format of the order number of an online order is structured as follows; YYMMDD-1000. This has the following meaning:
YY = jaartal, dus 13 betekent '2013'
MM = maand, dus 04 betekent 'april'
DD = dag, 16 is de '16e'
1000 = iedere eerste bestelling van de dag, begint te tellen bij 1000 en hoogt dan automatisch op
So for example; So the first order on April 16, 2013 would be: 130416-1000
So the second order on the same day would be: 130416-1001
Find orders
In Ziber Team you can quickly search for part or all of the order number. When your customer mentions the order number, you immediately know on which day this order was placed, because the first part of the order number contains the date. Nice and easy, for you and your customer.
Order status
You can view the status of every online order. When you update the status of an order, your customer will automatically receive an e-mail (in the house style of your website).
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