Relating products to each other
The Related tab allows you to relate your product to another product or download. This can be useful if you would like to see other products that are relevant automatically appear when your product appears on the screen. To be able to relate a product, enter part of the product name in the input field, you will automatically see all products that match this keyword. Choose the product from the list that you want to relate to your product. If you now click with the mouse outside the input field, it will turn green for a moment and the changes will be saved. Then the related product with photo appears below the input field. Do you want to remove the links again? Then remove the product name from the input field under the 'related' tab.
Note : You can relate multiple products to 1 product. This can be done by entering the name and separating the following with a comma. When a "," (comma) is used in the name of a product, this will not work properly. Therefore, avoid a "," in the name of a product.
Relate download to product
If you want to relate a file or one of your downloads to your product, you do that in the Relate tab. At the bottom of the input field 'downloads' enter the name of the file, or click twice on the input field. All downloads will then appear in the drop-down list. These are the files you have added yourself from the main Ziber Team menu under the Downloads heading. Now choose the file you want to link to this product. The download will appear in the list below. You can disconnect the download again by clicking on the red delete icon.
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