When there are purchases for your payment link, you can view these purchases via Ziber Team. You do this by going from the main menu to the 'Ziber Pay' tile. There you will see all your payment links. When a payment link has been used (i.e. one or more purchases have been made), you can click on the 'purchases' icon (the dashes) behind this payment link.
View payment link purchases
You will then be taken to a screen where you can view all payments/purchases from this payment link. You can see from the color of the block on the right whether this payment/purchase has been successful or not. Green is 'paid', orange is 'pending' and red is 'not paid'. Click on the gray area of a line to view some details of this purchase.
Click on the green, orange or red area to view all purchase details.
View payment link details
Here you can see all the details of this specific purchase. Number, status, payment method, cost specifications. You will also see the customer details at the bottom (name and e-mail address).
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