It is very important that you make choices. When your website is about one specific topic, your website (on that topic) is generally found better than the competitor who covers multiple topics on its website. Suppose you are a plumber and of course you do all the work in that area, then you can choose to use a general site, in which all services are briefly mentioned and described. The website is then fairly generally appreciated by Google on all those 'terms'. Suppose you choose on the website to limit yourself to your main activity (your specialism), and to dedicate the entire site completely to that specific part - then you will quickly be seen by Google as a 'specialist' and you are so automatically much more relevant for searchers of your specialism. And therefore - easier to find on the search terms you have chosen!
In short; Think in advance about what your company is REALLY good at and where your website should be found. Make choices; so important.
Good to always keep in mind; Be relevant!
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